Hi! My name is Daniel Ramírez. I'm a game programmer specialized in User Interfaces. I have been studying programming-related subjects since 2019, and game-programming-related since 2021. I have experience working with Unreal Engine, Godot & Unity. I also have one game published on Steam: Katto: Rising Tides.
Even though I'm a programmer, I love graphic design (yes, graphic design is really my passion). I think that this skill I have helps me to not only program things that work well, but also things that look good.

F.P. Grado Superior
I.E.S. Pablo Picasso · Málaga, Spain
Here is where I started programming. I mainly learned Java, making multithreaded programs, user interfaces using the JavaFX library and connecting programs to our own databases. I also learned how to use Flutter & made a mobile app similar to MyAnimeList but for video games as my final project, using Flutter, C# (.NET Core), Entity Framework & MySQL.

HND in Computing
Escuela Superior de Arte y Tencología · València, Spain
ESAT taught me everything I know about game programming. Here I learned how to use top leading game engines like Unreal Engine or Unity. I also learned how to code in C & C++, C# (much better) and Python. Apart from working with a lot of mates on my final year project, Katto: Rising Tides, I also built my own game engine using OpenGL as the graphics API.

Programming languages
- C & C++
- C#
- Dart
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
Engines & frameworks
- Unreal Engine 4 & 5
- Godot
- Unity
- SDL2
- Flutter
* I know a lot more things.
Katto: Rising Tides

This is the first big game I worked on. I worked with my classmates from ESAT to make this game in 10 months: 6 programmers, 7 artists & 2 game designers. My main role within the team was that of UI programmer; working with Unreal's UMG was my bread and butter of the day.


Archery (VRCHERY or ΛRCHERY) is my first (and only) Virtual Reality game. This game was made all by myself (except art assets made by Kenney) using Unity's OpenXR Plugin. The game features a sample world with four levels. This game was made in less than a month.